
McKinney Ave
Chicken sausage, Broccoli & Onions all enveloped in a scrumptious scramble

I got to ring in my favorite month with none other than my Mama Bear!
We’ve had a long-standing Sunday Brunch date for the past few years just to catch up on weekly adventures and so I could vent about whatever wickedness my professors were throwing my way. -.o
We do our best to keep the date, but sometimes things get in the way.

This holiday season, I am thankful for such a wonderful year. This totes includes you, my wonderful readers! Thank you for sticking with me on my fitventures. Much love to you!

My family spent Thanksgiving in my neck of the woods this year and I luurved every. single. second. When the giggles, mini-munckins and hugs drove away, I was left all alone. this meant two things
1. I had plenty of peace & quiet to study for the GRE on Tuesday
2. There was an overstock of turkey but not nearly enough pancakes.
– Enter Mom.

She whisked me away to Breadwinners this morning for brunchy business.

I enjoyed the McKinney Ave. Mom munched on the Chicken Fajitas.
Which, oddly enough…weren’t really fajitas. They looked much more like chicken breast pieces. Nonetheless, she raved about it. Unfortunately, we both forgot that we usually share our dishes with the beaus, so we had lots of leftovers.


Chicken Fajitas

Sadly, the tortillas were sorely undercooked on Mom’s plate.
The McKinney avenue really surprised me though! I normally don’t like chicken sausage, but this dish swayed me completely! It was wonderful!

If you’re in the Dallas area, you’ve got to check this location out in Uptown!
A solid 4 out of 5 stars.

Now, lesson plans for my students and picking up the beau at the airport. He comes home today! YAY!
This week…adventures in getting rid of holiday weight.
Be sure to check in for some yummy recipes and several laughs (possible even snorts)!

Much love, Sarah